Videos By, About or Featuring Rob
GamesBeat Interview with Dr. Adam Gazzaley
UCSF Neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley and I discuss the potential for video games to cure awful neurological conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Yes, really!
Shift Forum: San Francisco, February 2017
Here’s a quick talk I gave at the Shift Forum about one of central questions addressed in the novel After On.
The $8 Billion iPod (Main Stage TED Talk)
This is a quick, playful talk that I gave on the main stage at TED on the subject of “copyright math.” There may be a passing connection between this talk and the novel Year Zero.
Year Zero Trailer
Here’s an animated trailer that we made to promote the novel Year Zero. It’s a fun, zippy preview with no spoilers (promise)!
My Segment at w00tstock, July 2012
This is a roughly 3X expansion of my TED talk, given before a huge & wonderfully rowdy crowd at the fabulous "w00tstock" show at San Diego Comicon (a few months after I gave the predecessor talk at TED). This version's a bit off-color. And apologies to Nickelback (and all of their fans).
John Hodgman & I Banter on Entertainment Weekly
The brilliant comedian, actor, and long-term Daily Show Resident Expert John Hodgman recorded Year Zero's audiobook, and it was huge fun to hang out with him in the studio for a week as he did this. At some point, videocameras showed up, and here you see the result. You can tell who the professional entertainer is (HINT: not the guy on the right).
John Hodgman (sort of) Interviews me on Wired
Another fun video that emerged from our time recording the Year Zero audio book.
Baratunde Thurston Interviews me on Attack of the Show
Six great minutes with the inimitable Baratunde Thurston on the dearly departed (and sorely missed!) G4 network's second-best program, Attack of the Show.
Speaking at Google about Year Zero
36 minutes in the Authors at Google series...
Me + Year Zero on Sword & Laser
I was lucky enough to be featured in an episode of Tom Merritt & Veronica Belmont's wonderful science fiction book show Sword and Laser back in July of 2012. I come on at 4:42, but the whole episode is worth watching.
My Appearance on Leo Laporte's Triangulation (MAY 30, 2012)
Triangulation is one of the best programs online. In it, Leo Laporte interviews people in a REALLY long and unhurried manner (this episode runs almost an hour). Here, we talk about my career almost in its entirety. This came out a couple of months before Year Zero was released.