CALENDAR: Upcoming
October 5-8 2017
New York, NY
New York Comic Con
The largest pop culture event on the East Coast.
My schedule at New York Comicon will include multiple signings and panels. For now, it is TBD.
Past Events
August 1, 7:30PM
San Francisco, CA
Official "After On" Book Launch + Reading!
A reading, some quick comments, then hours of mingling over beer-n-wine
Please join us at Booksmith at 1644 Haight Street, SF, CA. Reading at 7:30, mingling until 10-ish. There are even rumors of an after party . . .
July 20-22, 2017
San Diego, CA
San Diego Comic-Con
The granddaddy of ‘em all – now in its 48th annual production! Here's my schedule:
Thursday July 20 2:30pm - Signing in the Random House booth (1515-D) with Sylvain Neuvel - author of the utterly fabulous novel "Buried Giants."
Friday July 21 5:30pm - Signing in the Random House booth (1515-D), this time WITHOUT Sylvain (sorry!)
Saturday July 22 3pm: "PANEL - Living in the Future" with Cindy Pon, Daniel Wilson, Karin Tidbeck, Daniel Price, and Elizabeth Briggs. Room 23ABC.
Saturday July 22 4:15pm: "Post-panel signing. Same crew as above. Autograph Area 9.
Saturday July 22 4:15pm: Signing in the Random House booth (1515-D). Again, no Sylvain. He'll be elsewhere, speaking en Quebecois.
Saturday July 22 7pm: "PANEL - What's New From Del Rey Books" with Pierce Brown, Robin Hobb, Jason Hough, Vic James, and Sylvain Neuval. Room 9.
July 1-2, 2017
Denver, CO
Denver Comicon
A family-friendly fan extravaganza, featuring the best in pop culture entertainment. Here's my schedule:
Saturday July 1, 1:30pm - "Panel: NASA Scientists vs. Sci-Fi Authors – is Sci-Fi Legit?" I'm told I'll be the sole sf author debating this subject with four NASA scientists. Oh - and I'll be the only man on the panel. And that attendance will be "about 1,000." #HELP!
Saturday July 1, 3pm: "Panel: The Hardness Scale – is Fiction Better Squishy or Solid." I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT THIS TITLE MEANS. F ind out with me! Room 407.
Saturday July 1, 5pm: "Panel" Start Short, Get Good." Again – join me, and together we'll find out what this means! Room 407.
Saturday July 1, 6pm: Signing in the Del Rey Booth (#150). Just follow the throngs of adoring crowds (note: THAT WAS A PLAYFUL REMARK. Irony is notoriously hard to detect in calendar listeings.)
Sunday July 2, 12:15pm: Signing in the Del Rey Booth (#150) with my dear friend & fellow lefty, Scott Sigler (to be clear: we write with our left hands. We are NOT COMMUNISTS).
Sunday July 2, 3pm: PANEL "THe Best Writing Advice I Was Ever Given. Room 407 (of course).
Sunday July 2, 5pm: "PANEL: Laser, Sword & Starships – Space Opera is Back." Ye Olde Room 407.
May 31 - June 2, 2017
New York City
BookExpo America (Javitz Center, NYC)
The largest annual book trade fair in the United States.
Friday June 2nd 4:00pm - I'll be doing a signing at the Penguin Random House booth, #1921, Table 3. We'll have 192 copies of the pre-release galleys of After On!
May 25-28, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix Comicon
The leading media, gaming, and comic book convention in the American Southwest. Here's my schedule:
Wednesday, May 24th - 7pm until ???: I'll be doing a group signing with over a dozen other writers in conjunction with the Poison Pen bookstore. It will be held at the Hilton Scottsdale - 6333 N Scottsdale Rd.
Thursday, May 25th, 10:30am: "Protect Science: Keeping the Science in Science Fiction" panel. Room North 126
Thursday, May 25th, 1:30pm: Signing at Random House/Del Rey booth with Scott Sigler
Friday, May 26th, 10:30am: "What's New at Del Rey" panel. Room North 125AB
Friday, May 26th, 12:00pm: Signing at Random House/Del Rey booth with Scott Sigler
Friday, May 26th, 1:30pm: Signing in the Exhibitor Hall with Scott Sigler
Friday, May 26th, 3pm: "Fight the power! Literature as Political Commentary" panel. Room 126C
Friday, May 26th, 8:00pm: Drinks with Authors and Creators in North Ballroom 120CD
Saturday May 27th, 1:30am: Signing at Random House/Del Rey booth with Scott Sigler
Saturday May 27th, 3pm: Signing in Exhibitor Hall
Sunday May 28th, 10:30am: I'll be doing a solo "Spotlight Panel," talking about my new novel After On, and the "Founding Readersr" program connected to it.
Sunday May 28th, 11:45am: Signing at the Random House/Del Rey booth
May 1, 2017
Berkeley, California
GamesBeat Summit 2017
Video games, science fiction, and real-world technology are in an accelerated inspiration cycle and it shows no sign of slowing down. We see this trend creating tremendous opportunity for everyone in the ecosystem and invite you to join us to learn more, connect with your peers and make deals.
At 6:10pm on Monday, May 1, I’ll be having a “fireside conversation” on the main stage with Adam Gazzaley of UCSF. Adam’s one of the top neuroscientists of his generation, and lavished me with advice & mentorship as I was writing After On. Adam researches the potential for scientifically-crafted video games to enhance human cognition. His discoveries have been featured on the cover of Nature, as well as in countless other leading scientific journals. We’ll be talking about Adam’s work, as well as the mechanisms of digital consciousness that I depict in After On.
April 23-28, 2017
Vancouver, BC, Canada
TED Conference
I'll be around the conference all week, and my books will be in the TED bookstore!
March 2-5, 2017
Seattle, WA
Emerald City Comicon
I’ll be on two panels and participating in multiple signings at the 15th annual Emerald City Comicon – the premier pop culture and comic book convention in the Northwest.
Here’s my schedule:
Friday, March 3rd - 1pm: Solo Signing at the Random House booth (#1822).
Friday, March 3rd - 7:30: Worldbuilders Fundraiser. Rooms 3A and 3B of the convention center.
Saturday, March 4th - 1pm: Signing at the Random House booth (#1822) with Dave Bara.
Saturday, March 4th - 5:15 pm: "Deleted Scenes" panel (room 603). Four fantasy & science fiction writers read & discuss scenes that we have deleted from our novels. In addition to me, this panel includes Kevin Hearne, Scott Sigler and Callie Bates.
Sunday, March 5th - 10:30am: Signing at the Random House booth (#1822) with Scott Sigler.
Sunday, March 5th - 12:pm: "Predicting the Future" panel (room 611). What innovations are science fiction writers of today imagining? And what should we be excited (or worried) about? In addition to me, this panel includes Timothy Zahn, Scott Sigler, Jason Hough and Brenda Cooper.
February 6-8, 2017
San Francisco, CA
Shift Forum
A unique group of leaders from small, fast growing startups and Fortune 500 companies, plus an array of experts from Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Washington. This year's speakers include John Podesta, Robert Reich and Steph Curry
My Talk: Tuesday, February 7th at 10:30 on the main stage.