Praise For After On


Enter a near-future Silicon Valley that is hilariously, creepily, mindbogglingly fantastic, yet at the same time all too believable. It might turn out this way. No really. It might! Along with the diabolically ingenious plot, there are crazy-plausible web startups, delicious parodies of social media, and a surprisingly convincing theory of human consciousness. Rob Reid’s mind is like no other known thing in the universe, and this book is a truly spectacular way to discover it.
Chris Anderson – Head of TED Conferences

Rips the lid off Silicon Valley! And what lies beneath.
Stewart Brand – Creator of The Whole Earth Catalog

After On is smart, hilarious, and properly cynical about our connected world. The story unfolds in surprising and fiendish ways, and while you are laughing, you'll learn enough to confound a wily MBA, manipulate a Board of Directors, and maybe even outfox a superintelligence.
Ken Fisher – Editor-in-Chief, Ars Technica

Topics like AI, neuroscience, quantum computing, and gene splicing are usually both a blessing and a curse: incredibly fascinating material— explained super boringly. After On manages to pull off an exception to the rule, weaving all of those topics into a funny, delightful story that's full of surprises.
Tim Urban – Creator of Wait but Why

Reading After On is like attending a master class in nearly every major issue haunting not only the tech industry, but society itself. Only the professor is also a stand up comic with a perfect ear for the foibles of Silicon Valley's most sacred cows. Part AI thriller, part arch social commentary, and part rollicking farce, After On will leave you smarter about just about everything the human species needs to work on if we're going to outlive our own creations - and, our obsessions with them.
John Battelle – Co-founder of Wired, Industry Standard, and Federated Media

The future is already here — it’s just for those who read Reid!
Steve Jurvetson – Venture Capitalist, Partner DFJ

What makes this thriller so spine-tingling is how close it is to the bleeding edge of real AI. This is a mind-blowing glimpse of a future we might actually be building right now.
Chris Anderson – CEO of 3DR, former Editor in Chief of Wired

Rob Reid doesn't write science fiction; he writes future history. After On is best account I've read on how superintelligence will arrive, and what it will mean for all of us. Hilarious, frightening, believable, and marvelously constructed; After On has it all.
Hugh Howey – Author of Wool